Clogged pores. It's easy to de-clog the forehead, nose and cheeks- facial scrubs, but the chin they don't make pore strips for and facial scrubs have limited effectiveness against. If you're under 25, expect acne all over your face. If you're over 25 it's adult acne. Both are caused by hormones. Adult acne only hits your mouth and neck. I have it and it's driving me nuts, its WORSE than teen acne. The doctor gave me this perscription cream for it, it's way better than the over-the-counter stuff. All I can suggest is cleanse and tone twice a day, use oil free products, get your doctor to give you a stronger acne cream than you get from over the counter.Why do people get Zits on your chin?
I had to Google this just yesterday as I had a group of pimples appear out of no-where on my forehead.
The holistic thought is that where spots appear on your face relate to problems within different parts of your body, so some holistic sites say spots on the chin are caused by problems with the kidneys. To keep your kidneys in good health, drink lots of water.
Incidentally, the Holistic answer said my forehead pimples were due to a ';Digestive Problem'; and I put this down to taking a course of Aloe Vera detox tablets so there may have been some truth in the matter.
the oily t zone is prone to spots on many people. some people make them worse by touching them or resting their chin on their hand etc. guys sometimes get a shaving rash on their chin while girls often rest their hand there while applying eyeliner.
spots can simply be caused by a hormonal phase like adolescence or they can be an over production of oil.
a good way to combat oil is in fact by using oil - like coconut or olive lol shocker huh? :) although I understand that clay masks are very good too.
Because of extra 'energetic' sebaceous glances.
Maybe you have an oily T-zone and your chin produces excess oil and as a result zits break out!
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