Sunday, December 13, 2009

How is Popping Zits bad?

It squeezes all of the oil out of my skin and I dont like oil. I put alcohol on the skin afterwards to burn off the acneHow is Popping Zits bad?
You can damage the skin y squeezing it hard. I used to and now I have a few lumps where I squeezed too much.How is Popping Zits bad?
as long as it dosent scare and u can suck it up when it hurts theres nothing wrong with it
Popping a pimple damages the skin and can cause scars if it doesn't heal properly. My brother has many scars on his face because he had a severe case of acne and wouldn't stop scratching and popping the pimples.
As you get older, where those zits were will start to lose elasticity and begin to recess creating pock holes.
It's not a good idea to pop zits as you are creating an opening on the skin where bacteria can get in, and there is also the possibility of scarring. You are far better using an acne or zit treatment and being patient.
It can lead to possible scaring. If you pop the same one repeatedly then it will eventually scab over and maybe make a scar.
It irritates them, making them redder %26amp;%26amp; more visible.

It also opens up your skin to bacteria %26amp;%26amp; infection.

If you do pop them though, you can reduce reddness %26amp;%26amp; swelling with ice.

Applying Neosporin %26amp;%26amp; similar products reduces infection.
lets say thet what zits hae in the inside are seeds, it you pop one the inside will come out and it will get into the rest of your skin, they will harvest there and more will come and it is worst if you pop them with dirty hands because bacterias also cause you to breakout.

Clinique has really good products if you want to use it

to male a zit dry out, apply some salicylic acid to the afected area and you will see the results.
I am a skin care specialist and please listen when I tell you that you shouldn't be popping your zits unless you have been trained on how to extract them properly. You can end up with massive scars on your face that will NOT go away. If you want to draw out the puss or oils, take the tip of a clean needle and pierce the cyst. Gently with two q-tips press at the base of the cyst. If it doesn't come out with light pressure it is not ready to. NEVER use alcohol on your face, it will dry out your skin and make your face create even MORE oils. I don't know if you can get it, but Proactive is a great product for acne. If you can't afford the whole kit, just order the mask and dab your pimples with it at night..they will be gone in a matter of days, if not the next day...if you have any more questions you can email me and I will be happy to answer P.S. I do not work for procactive so I am not trying to sell you something...if you want more advice on other products I will be happy to talk to you about it

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