Friday, December 11, 2009

Do you think zits make a person ugly?

like if you walked down the street and you saw someone with mild/moderate acne would you find them ugly, even if underneath the acne there's a pretty person who is kind...

someone said to me the other day that acne makes a person ugly... and I thought that was toatally rude and shallow because #1 I have acne, as do most people my age and #2 when I see it I just over look it unless it's absoloutley horrible.

What's your opinion

Thanks!Do you think zits make a person ugly?
I have acne and people tell me im pretty. If there is a personality to make up for the imperfections of our skin we are always going to be Beautiful :)Do you think zits make a person ugly?
Ok my opinion is acne doesn't make you pretty or ugly it is a sign that you aren't taking care of your skin as much as you should. The reason is that when you get acne it is made because of the excess dirt and oil building up in your skin. People get the first impression that automatically tells them that aren't taking care of themselves maybe they don't care. It disgusts them thats why they think it's ugly. But, I really don't have a problem with acne overall.
I totally agree with you! They aren't ugly just because they have some acne! Some of the prettiest people ever had zits! It does take away from their appearance a little bit, but they are still beautiful :)

Plus, you can cover acne with makeup, but you can't hide an ugly face with makeup now can you? :P tell them that next time they say anything to you!

It's whats on the inside that counts anyways :)
See, everyone has had acne in their lives, some full blown pepperoni faces, others with a couple of we all know how it feels to walk about with some pimples on their face....which is why MOST people look past that. Other ';perfectionists'; will probably find it ugly...

But personally, i look past it unless most of their face is acne ridden or they have it in werid spots, like all over their nose or on their lips...a little on the gross side.
no. it's not attractive, but nothing unattractive anyone may have going on with their skin makes them ';ugly';. attractiveness does have to do with complexion...guys look for a good quality of skin...but who has 'flawless' skin? mostly, when someone is pretty, they know how to apply makeup well and understated, and they have good facial features/structures that just look nice together.
no it's not that bad, but here is how you can stop it.

If every night, you take a glass bowl, shake some basil, and put some honey in, then pour some steaming water into the bowl. now, drape a towel over your head to keep in the steam, and stick your face a few inches from the bowl to steam it for 7 min.. don't get to close though :) then use a cleanser. last, moisturize with a light moisturizer. steaming will soften dirt and oil, and make your skin more perceptive to cleansers and exfoliants. i have been doing this for a week now and my skin is sooo clear! it works better than anything i have ever tried. try it! comment please!!!!!!!!!
a little bit is okay. i have never really had a problem with that. one reason i think, is becuase i have a few freckles on my face. but if i did, i would go to the dermatologist like my brother did. and cover it with makeup. but no as long as its not like really gross and everywhere it should be fine. they can't help it.
No b.c my friend i think she is soo pretty but she dont think so just b.c she has zits and like i dont even notice them anymore i think she is so pretty and like she has lots of zits too but like a year she didnt look so hott and like now she is...

i'm not a lez!!!
NO! i have acne and i have to cover it up w/ makeup and my friends are ok with it would i have friends if they weren't!!!??? cuz cover-up does a pretty good job of covering up acne and u need 2 give that person a chance before u judge them on their appearance.
No i wouldn't. Some people(like me) have skin that is extremely hard to take care of. my skin is way better now, but i know what its like to have it so i didn't believe that anyone should be ridiculed about anything like that.

i have some zits and been single 14 yrs

it makes me mad

i dont think that zits or looks should matter just cause im not one of the hot kids

would they rather want me

or some hot @$$hole that just wants sex and is a big jerk
well, personally i like to think in a scientific manor and subconsciously when a person sees someone else with acne they deem that person to be unhealthy to mate with but in our times someone would call that being ugly
very good question! my girl friend has mild acne but i still find her very beautiful!! once i got to know her, i stopped looking at her zits and completely forgot about them! i started looking at her better features like her beautiful eyes and her hott lips =D so acne doesn't matter
Well it certainly doesn't make them prettier. But I do overlook it unless they don't do anything about it. I mean, you can at least put in some effort and get zit cream or Proactiv.
Sometimes. Because It looks like they don't take care of themselves. But you never know, they might have acne that they can't get rid of.

I usually overlook it though, if it's small.
No. There is this one girl i have a huge crush on for like 2 years and i always hang out with her. Even if she has a lot of acne she still is very pretty!
SEVERE acne makes it hard to get to know a person, but otherwise its a common thing its going to happen. I bleieve personality makes a person ugly not a few zits.
i think people with bad attitudes are ugly.. so many people suffer from acne.. even tyra banks! and that girl makes millions so whoever told you that doesn't need to front. be who you are.. thats what makes you pretty or ugly!
No. Only if it's severe acne. Because if it's severe acne, I can't really see the person underneath.
I had acne in high school and still get it occasionally. I know it feels like you're ugly but you're not and it will get better! Good luck.
I think it depends.. But you need to think about it from someone else's point of view.. If you had totally clear skin, not even one zit.. Would you wanna talk to or date a guy with zits? Probably not..
I think it depends on the person. But i think i would look past the acne.
Everyone goes through it.. some people have it worse but it eventually goes away for everyone. So no I don't judge beauty based on acne.
only thing that makes a person ugly is their bad attitude's
They don't make a person ugly.A person can be ugly on their own.
no. like everybody gets it. but it can be pretty bad. but like dont judge.
It depends on how bad the acne is.
No. I doubt anyone likes acne and we all know we look better w/o it. But I would look right past it. Always have. If someone cannot see past a pimple, who needs em?
depends on how much of it the person has, most of the time i dont think they r ugly
like if like its alot of acne then like yes
it makes you look dirty. Like you have no personal hygine. Sometimes its hard to treat and thats when you get proactive. Or makeup.

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