Sunday, December 13, 2009

I want to get rid of my zits and cant have a doctor?

Use Acne Free it works great. I use it my face feels better than ever!I want to get rid of my zits and cant have a doctor?
Vitamin A. But carefull I can't remember the daily allowance but you should not be going over it.I want to get rid of my zits and cant have a doctor?
I went off of dairy, and so did my close friend. We're both almost completely acne-free now :)
Change your diet to include more fruits and vegetables. Cut out meats and junk food as much as you can. Get a large aloe vera plant that can be maintained inside your house. At night before bed wash your face with an herbal soap and pat your face dry, if you rub it dry you cause scarring. When your face is totally dry take a one inch to one and half inch cutting from one of aloe vera leaves and take the gel from inside the leaf and smear it on your face and let dry in several weeks you will see a remarkable difference. Aloe Vera gel is used on burn patients to alleviate burn scars. So it should work on acne too.
wash your face 2x a day; don't wear make up
crush aspirin and make a paste with water added...then apply to zits like a mask, then rinse off. i saw this on t.v. when a makeup artist for models said she uses this.

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