Saturday, December 5, 2009

Instead of using the aspirin paste to get rid of zits,what are some other pills you can use??

Like if you don't have aspirin,what else can you use besides toothpaste,plz dont tell me to use proactive.

ThanksInstead of using the aspirin paste to get rid of zits,what are some other pills you can use??
OMG! I had this really big zit and what I did was put tooth paste and just let the tooth paste and dry for about an hour. It doesn't have to be that long but I put the tooth paste when I knew I was going to be pre-occupied at home. Now, I know you said no toothpaste but it works. If you absolutly don't want to ise toothpaste, get a facial cleanser/scrub for in the morning and nightime. I also do that now and it works as well.Instead of using the aspirin paste to get rid of zits,what are some other pills you can use??
well, i would suggest going to your demetoligist and let him/her know what you problem is and then maybe they will give you some new pills that you didnt even existed and they might help.
your doctor or dermatologist can prescribe some pills that clear up acne.
rat poison or zoloft

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