Saturday, December 5, 2009

Efficient ways to keep the skin clean and to get rid of zits?

Make sure to drink a lot of water - at least 8 tall glasses per day. Wash your face with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel at least twice per day.

There are many home remedies for zits. Here are some especially creative home remedies for getting rid of pimples:

1. Mix together baking soda and Apple Cider Vinegar until it becomes a paste. Dab some of the mixture onto your zit or pimples and let it dry - then wash with warm water and pat with a clean towel.

2. Use salicylic acid, which is basically aspirin. Grind up the tablet of aspirin and mix with either lemon juice or vinegar until it makes a paste. Dab some of the paste onto your skin and let it dry - wash with warm water and dry with a clean towel.

3. Use toothpaste or hydrogen peroxide to dry out your pimples overnight.Efficient ways to keep the skin clean and to get rid of zits?
Vitamin C is very good for your skin, and drink plenty of water, and also proactive solutions works pretty good externally. Hope this helps you out.Efficient ways to keep the skin clean and to get rid of zits?
Well, if your skin is bothering you too much you can always see a dermatologist (skin doctor) as they often see patients about their acne. They can prescribe quite efficient medications for acne.

Try to keep your skin clean but avoid over washing and scrubbing as this can aggravate skin and worsen the problem.

Having a healthy diet is a good way to start. Even though there are no hard facts supporting this it is thought that drinking adequate amounts of water and having a low G.I diet helps. It has been thought drinking cows milk can worsen acne but that's just a theory and you need calcium.

I hope that helps.
Externally you need to ensure whatever soap or cleanser you use you have cleaned all of the solution off. Spots are generally caused by hormones so its more of an internal thing, I wouldn't go with gimics just use a soft soap cleanser and wash your face day and night. Use a none oily moisturiser to restore the ph.

Drink plenty of water to get the toxins out of your system and if the acne is bad see your doctor, they can give you antibiotics which are worth it! I wish I had them sooner.

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