Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why would one side of my face be totally clear and the other have a few zits?

I use Noxzema to wash my faceWhy would one side of my face be totally clear and the other have a few zits?
It may be that you unconsciously touch that side of your face more often, or the way you wash your face you are getting one side over the other. Try to be conscious of when you touch your face.Why would one side of my face be totally clear and the other have a few zits?
it's like that for almost everyone

ask yourself these questions:

is the side with more zits the side i sleep on?

is the side with more zits the side i talk on the phone?

is the side with more zits the side i touch the most?
Talking on the hpone, if that is the side you put the phone on. Touching your face more on one side, and if you sleep more on that side.
Do you sleep a certain way, or do you rest your face on your arms or hand? You may be cleaning your face the same way, but perhaps you are consistently touching something that is causing the breakouts to continue.

A very informative website, kindly stay a minute in website and check
do u sleep on the one side.. do u touch that one side of ur face more. thoes r rele the only way.

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